
Analyse The Relationship Between Evil And Evil

Decent Essays

I have long understood that the very idea of evil has ranging definitions, and my own idea has evolved somewhat as I have gained more experience in ministry and in the world. In leading confirmation classes and youth groups, I have sometimes discussed sin as a turning away from God, and evil may be seen as that to which sin leads. Luther affirms this idea, categorizing sin as an evil that inclines us toward evil. Dorothee Sölle seems to agree, though she notes this through the lens of relationship – specifically humanity’s relationship with God. Sölle would state that we as humans are broken and susceptible to narcissism, turning inward when we are called to focus outward. This isolation separates us not only from God but from God’s community and God’s creation.
As I have been in ministry these years and as I have worked to preach and teach Wesleyan theology, I have been shaped by his understanding of evil. Evil and sin are surely not the same, though one may lead to the other. Wesley would say that evil is the outcome of sin, which is a result of pride and self-will; and the predecessor of pride is unbelief or “the perversion of a relationship between God and humanity.” And so while sin and evil are related, evil is the result of sin, which is turning away from God. …show more content…

We see evil in the exploitation of children, in the increasing physical violence taking place both between nations and in school classrooms, in the spiritual violence done between persons and groups of differing faith traditions, in the racial and cultural tension present in so many communities, in the political arena as compromise loses out to posturing and sound-bites, in the socioeconomic divide between the very rich and the very poor, and in so many more places and times. Sin is the reality in all of these circumstances and more as we fall short of living in the image of

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