
Analysis And Belief Of The Crocodile

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Analysis and Belief
The crocodile has a significant role in Papua New Guinea culture. The people over there believe that reptiles are human’s ancestors. The reason they are cutting their skin and pretending to be a crocodile is because they also believe by withstanding the pain, they will be strong enough to face the difficulties and problems in the future. Also the skin-cutting act is for separating young men from the world of womenfolk, and to fill them with the power of crocodile.
Another reason that they want to cut their skin is because without the skin-cutting rituals, they (young men) are not a full member of their father’s clan. It is an interesting culture which very different to modern society’s because we were born to be our family’s clan, we don’t have to do anything to prove because we have already had our birth certificate. Since it is too easy to be one of our family’s clan, there’s a certain amount of the people doesn’t appreciate of their identity and always against their family unlike the people in Chambri Tribe. They value it, they have to withstand the skin-cutting pain and the chances of death especially they are still in a third world country. They cherish their identity and their family members. Rituals
The skin cutting rituals takes place every four to five years. Boys as early as 12 until 35 can have the cutting rituals to prove themselves. Since the rituals are very expensive and it is not such a thing that it is affordable by one family and they

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