EFFECT: (1) Missing the required DA FORM 4843(s). Preparing and maintaining on file both the initial and final DA form 4843 is a mandatory requirement per the AR and DODI. The purpose of these documents is to provide supporting details for the official party and to make a determination of the applicable ratio of attendees. In addition, the document is important in order to validate the ratio of authorized guests to DOD participants (see AR 37-47 para 2-7a). It also serves as a tool to minimize costs (see DODI 7250.13, para 4b) and to ensure that only eligible members attend the activity at government cost. (2) Non-compliance with the ORF packet submission period. The weakness here is the reduction in the available time for reviewers …show more content…
The weaknesses noted here was a key factor in calculating a disproportional and incorrect allocation of costs to the CG. Lastly, the protocol office partiality to the SJA’s unapproved and subsequent update for allowable cost and number of participants had the adverse effect of incorrectly changing the basis of the cost sharing calculations. The cost allocation method used and documented in the supporting records is flawed; the result is it has transferred an inequitable and disproportionate higher cost to the CG. No cost sharing with the host. In the second case, the unit by not charging and obtaining a reimbursement by the outgoing CG for his pro rata portion of the event costs for his personal guests (“self-paying guests”) has caused ORF to fully absorb this ineligible cost. We may possibly have an anti-deficiency act violation (i.e. purpose violation.) (5) Unauthorized expenditures – meals for support staff. The expenditure for a non-authorized ORF activity may become a possible anti-deficiency act violation (i.e. purpose violation). (6) Unauthorized expenditures – undocumented request paid with ORF for lodging. The ORF honoree’s one-day lodging is an unauthorized disbursement. This expenditure is unapproved and may become a possible anti-deficiency act violation (i.e. purpose violation). (7) Misunderstanding of command authorities and applicable ORF senior guidance. We have found in several
The OIG contends that the individual intentionally violated SNAP program regulations, on forty-eight (48) occasions during the period of June 10, 2013 through January 10, 2014 by debiting her SNAP card in exchange for cash or non-food items through a vendor known as Newkirk Grocery. The total amount of the SNAP transactions was $2,448.08. The individual conducted transactions at Newkirk Grocery that were determined to be suspicious and is charged with forty-eight (48) intentional program violations.
The client would like to know if the related accrued Social Security taxes for accrued vacation pay earned but not paid can be deducted as a year-end accrual.
Whether a light bulb needs to be changed, a critical audio or visual component shorts out, or the HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning) system goes out, proper maintenance could be the factor that saves or destroys an event before it even begins. Proper maintenance can not only save the organization from unscheduled downtime but it can also prevent unwarranted cost. For example: if a vehicle doesn’t have its oil regularly serviced, it could cause the vehicles engine to fail possibly causing thousands of dollars of damage. The same thing can be said when it comes to a facility and its maintenance.
At an administrative disqualification hearing, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) bears the burden of proving by clear and convincing evidence that an intentional program violation has occurred. In this hearing, it is the position of OIG that the Individual used his EBT card for SNAP trafficking in an amount totaling $1,715.89 during November 5, 2013 through October 9, 2014, at One Stop Deli.
On September 27, 2013, the Department of Human Services, Office of Program Review, Monitoring and Investigation (OPRMI), Fraud Investigations Division received a report of overpayment from the Economic Security Administration (ESA) alleging that Raymond Hall (Mr. Hall) received duplicate Supplemental Nutritional Program (SNAP) and Medicaid benefits from Washington, DC and Maryland.
Mission: To efficiently investigate SIPV (Suspected Intentional Program Violation) allegations of unreported income by DC Public Assistance Beneficiaries.
What might have been the setback we previously faced in making decisive, clear or sound effective decisions? Was it a defect in how Commanders and Leaders led units or troops, or perhaps the philosophy in which we chose to command and control every aspect of the battlefield? What does it mean to recognize or comprehend the art of Command and the science of Control? The six principles of mission command are key in developing a cohesive team that will support all aspects of the mission. Asking “why” is now encouraged when it pertains to certain situations or missions. Understanding the purpose of why a course of action or desired outcome is necessary, leads to mission success and a cohesive unit with thinking leaders. Thinking clearly usually isn’t an issue for most leaders, but position an individual in a situation of extreme stress or complexity, then there might be a reason to be concerned. Through
Clients have their personal choices and preferences when they are receiving services from the service providers. The care given will depend on whether the clients have
Mission orders may be understood by the leader’s subordinates, however poor training and development amongst other practices may hinder the execution of the commander’s intent. Everything starts with training. Rehearsals are key in knowing what to do and how to react when the time comes. The team may know what to do through the orders, however they will not know how to perform tasks if
The historical process of creating and implementation of the Military Decision Making Process has changed significantly since World War I. The US Army did not have a published staff doctrine or guidance to assist commanders in the decision making process. The Regulations for Field Maneuvers (1910), did not provide staff guidance. In 1914, the field service regulation (FSR) identified the need for decision making processes. The Staff Officer Field Manual (1932), complied principles, data, and information that was intended to guide the operations of staff of all units and territorial commands. The Staff Officer Field Manual (1932), was a detailed manual that explained staff functions and more complete commander estimates of implementation time.
As you understand that Tote Board funding is not enough to offset the cost of delivering GSS sessions. Hence, we have to charge 200 participants at an average fee of $300 per participant. Assumptions were made that Care and Share will not fund the unfunded portion of GSS fees. However, we have discussed with Soon Meng who manages Care and Share funding at NCSS. Soon Meng suggested that we can put a proposal to our NCSS EXCO for approval .
Senior leaders must be involved in the execution of ORF activities, ensuring ORF approvals at the GO/SES level will validate the intent for personal involvement of the commanding general, as outlined in AR 37-47. The high visibility and sensitive nature of ORF activities demand senior leader scrutiny and involvement to achieve
When Jeff Sever and Dick Armstrong were traveling in Greenland in July, Dick and Jeff had dinner together one night in Kanger and Dick paid for the bill. Jeff than reciprocating by paying the bill for their dinner on July 25th. Jeff knew that we are not allowed to purchase meals for NSF, but he didn’t realize that also includes NSF consultants. Jeff and I have discussed this and he is aware now that we are not allowed to do that. The total dinner bill was $31.56. Jeff included this cost on his expense report. Let me know if you have any issues with this cost being invoiced on Jeff’s
The chain of command is responsible to each Navy member for solving work-related problems. When a person’s immediate senior is unable to resolve a problem , the next senior in the chain of command tries to solve the problem. If the senior at that level of command is unable to resolve the problem, it then goes to the next level in the chain of command. The problem continues to be referred to each level in the chain of command until it is resolved. You must always use the chain of command when seeking solutions to work-related problems.
Surysekar, et. al began by gathering information regarding restricted donations. Often, NFP’s expand their activities beyond the organization’s mission and skill set. This can lead to the misuse of funds as well as fraud. Donors impose restrictions to ensure that the money is used for activities that they value while simultaneously meeting the goals of the organization (64). Donors can impose restrictions such as the following: 1) the organization may only use the interest from the donation to meet the goals of the NFP or 2) the donation may only be used for a particular purpose or program. However, restricted donations may inhibit a NFP’s ability to grow (65).