
Analysis : ' Not A Toy ' Essay

Decent Essays

Blog Post: “Not A Toy” Rhetorical Analysis

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The video, presented in the Youtube platform, begins with with a young boy playing with a gun. In the background, the sound of dramatic and melancholic music sets the tone for the video. This in turn, sparks an interest in the viewer because they are drawn to keep watching to see what is the meaning of the video. As the viewer keeps watching, the first quote that is displayed reads, “It doesn’t explore.” “It” being the weapon the little boy is carrying, this implies that weapons are not meant to be used for adventure, or for curiosity even. The second quote on the video reads, “ It doesn’t bring us together,” this is then followed by “It doesn’t create.” The moment these lines appear on the screen for the viewers to see, the child in the video is playing with trucks and legos. This is significant because it portrays weapons as something negative that doesn’t allow for creativity and unity. Guns don’t allow for innovation or positive change, rather one is left to assume that they tear people and society apart.

Following the quotes, an older boy appears in the video and grabs the gun from the smaller boy, and points it at him and says, “No, like this.” The smaller boy was grabbing the gun the

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