
Analysis Of A Worn Path By Eudora Welty

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In A Worn Path by Eudora Welty, we have the topic of battle, sacrifice, determination, perseverance, magnanimity, and love. Taken from her A Curtain of Green and Other Stories gathering the story is narrated in the third individual by an unnamed narrator and after reading the story the reader realizes that Welty may utilize the setting of the story to investigate the subject of battle. All through Phoenix's trip into town, there is a feeling that she is battling, that from multiple points of view she is being thwarted in her attempt to get into town. A few examples of the battle Phoenix experiences incorporate the occurrence when she tears her skirt on the prickly hedge, how she has to experience a barbed-wire fence and later when she falls into the jettison. Each of these occurrences may be important as it is conceivable that Welty isn't just featuring to the reader the battles that Phoenix experiences on her adventure into town however it is also conceivable that Welty is featuring the battles that many African Americans at the time the story was distributed (1941) experienced while endeavoring to make some advance in their lives. At the time the story was distributed racial equality would not have existed in America and African Americans would have been treated as peasants with many white Americans seeing themselves as to have been better than African Americans. It may also be significant that all through her voyage, Phoenix communicates with each animal she

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