
Analysis Of ' Am I Blue '

Decent Essays

Should two stories which feature animal rights and racial statuses have an impact towards their society? Many similarities and differences bring these two stories together. Any little thing may have an impact towards one’s life, culture, etc.Alice Walker’s story; “Am I Blue” takes place in a farm in the United States. Alice was an African American woman who becomes friends with a horse, but had to face seeing him go from being happy and full of freedom to lonely and beast looking. George Orwell’s story, “Shooting an Elephant” takes place in Burma, a small place near India. George was a British man, who worked as a police officer and was seen as the only one able to shoot an elephant that was full of anger. In Am I Blue by Alice Walker and Shooting an Elephant by George Orwell; these are common issues the authors have to deal with. Being called a beast when an unwanted situation occurred was full of emotions. Having to refer back to slavery or experiencing racism and being considered a hero by completing an obligated act wasn’t easy. Both essays face a racial status and animal rights, but they’re different because in Orwell’s story he is seen as a hero for the actions he performs. Blue is the horse of freedom who then turns into a beast in Am I Blue, whereas, the Elephant is a beast from the beginning while destroying a small village in Shooting an Elephant. The actions they take are to be blamed by the humans that surround them. In Am I Blue, Alice Walker states, “Blue

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