
Analysis Of An Octoroon

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It is almost comical to look back through history and just think to yourself, “Why would someone do that?” or “I wish I could be there to just experience that!”. An Octoroon, written by Branden Jacobs-Jenkins, is a recently new play in which topics of racism and stereotypes are discussed. Branden’s version is an adaptation of Dion Boucicault’s The Octoroon, which premiered in 1859. Branden used all the same characters and plot, with much of Boucicault’s language in the entire show. While An Octoroon could be considered offensive to a select few people, I found the entire show hysterical, between the loyalty the actors had to the production and the audience interaction. Although Branden’s adaptation premiered in 2014, it is still a period …show more content…

I truly did feel a little panicked between the dim lights, the cannons going off that were filled with cotton and confetti. When it comes to theatre when one person says lights you automatically think of sound. This show, while it did not have many sound effects, it did have a few moments where the music would set the mood during particular scenes. One of the sound effects used were bird whistles. The whistles were extremely accurate to that of a bird’s chirp and helped give the illusion that there were physically birds in the room. Another tool used that was used during this show was the harp. The harp helped give the audience a sense of eeriness whenever the harp was played after the name M’Closky was spoken. All three of these scenic elements would not go very well unless they had a set to focus everything around. The set was very detailed; however, it was simple. There were only two stationary moving pieces which consisted of the dock and the backdrop. I think that the simplicity of the set did the show justice because it did not take away from the meaning the play invoked in the audience. The set had few scenic pieces such as movable vanities, crates, and chairs, which were not all on at the same time. When coming to see a show, an audience member hopes to see quality acting. In the case of An Octoroon, this expectation was exceeded. The comical banter between

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