
Analysis Of Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Mother By Amy Chua

Decent Essays

Amy Chua is the author of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother which was released in 2011. A brief part of her book was written in an article called “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior,” where she discusses the high expectations that she held her children to. Chua discusses how her very demanding standards would ensure that her children live up to their full potential. Although Chua makes a great argument, she leaves out information that could have helped strengthen her argument and she doesn’t seem to know all of her facts.
During Chua’s article, she discusses how her children Sophia and Louisa had to abide by many rules that “western parents,” would consider absurd. They were never allowed to “watch TV or play computer games,” “not play the piano or violin,” ”choose their extracurricular activities,” etc. Chua, along with many other Chinese mothers, believes that setting these strict rules would help her children to reach their full potential later on in life. In order for Sophia and Louisa to be able to do this, they would have to undergo multiple hours of studying and practicing the piano and violin, the instruments their mother chose for them to play. According to Chua, “The first hour is the easy part. It’s hours two and three that get tough”(Chua 261).
However, if the children didn’t meet their mother’s high expectations, they would be referred to by patronizing words such as “garbage”. Chua never hesitated to speak down to her children when they were disrespectful or when

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