
Analysis Of Bloody Lowndes

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Critical Analysis Paper of Bloody Lowndes by Hasan Jefferies
The Civil Rights Struggle

Marké C. Wrisborne
AFTS/ HIST 3390: The Modern Civil Rights Movement
Dr. Michael Williams
November 13, 2017

Bloody Lowndes was written by a historian named Hassan Kwame Jefferies. The book details the African American struggles faced in the fight for freedom in the rural area of Lowndes County, during the1960’s. He examines different activist groups, the leaders within those groups, and their impact/ role played on the Civil Rights Movement as a whole. Some of groups mentioned throughout the book included, the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), the Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO) and the …show more content…

Jefferies discussed the discrimination, pain and hardships endured by black people in Lowndes County while comparing it to the struggle of the overall Civil Rights Movement by incorporating other works such as Carson Clayborne’s In Struggle. It also had a purpose of giving the opinion from a historian perspective and how he felt Lowndes County contributed to the fight and success of freedom in the Civil Rights Movement as a whole. One example, was how Jefferies begins in discussing the geography of Lowndes County and how it lies perfectly in between Montgomery and Selma which were both some of the worst places in terms of the oppression of people of color. He explains vividly that Lowndes County being a rural area as well was comparable bad when it came to Jim Crow Laws. The flow of Bloody Lowndes was one of the big strengths in my opinion because, it was crucial to understanding the book and the civil rights movement in Alabama as a whole. Beginning with the title, Jefferies titles the book Bloody Lowndes Civil Rights and Black Power in

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