
Analysis Of Chris Mccandless In Into The Wild, By Jon Krakauer

Decent Essays

The question, “What was McCandless?” is one of depth, and does not have a wrong answer. Chris McCandless could be whatever you want him to be. Granted, he wasn’t an astronaut, that’s not what I mean. What I mean by this is that Chris’s decision, the reasoning behind it all, is left for the reader to decide. In my perspective, I feel Chris was indeed irrational, but also hurt and in need of a journey to find happiness. Throughout Into the Wild, written by Jon Krakauer, Chris is consistently struggling with this idea of a materialistic world and he wants out of it. Sadly he goes about it the wrong way by making poor decisions such as leaving his family and going unprepared to trek Alaska. Now was Chris crazy, no he wasn’t as said in the story, Chris was an “intelligent,” “thoughtful,” young man. None of these describe a crazy person. Was he misguided? Yes indeed he was, but do you know why? Being mistreated and lied to by many tends to drive a person away because they don’t want to hurt. I feel he wasn’t just seeking adventure, I feel he was looking for something greater, something that would actually make him happy. …show more content…

Now does that describe a sociopath? No, it doesn’t. He wasn’t an outcast either. He was actually the exact opposite because no matter where he went, everyone he came in contact with loved him. Doesn’t exactly sum up a person that is crazy or a sociopath. Now don’t get me wrong, Chris isn’t perfect, far from it actually. But neither is anyone else on this planet. If we were, we’d all do nothing wrong, we’d all be the most amazing people on this planet with absolutely no flaws, but we’re not. So to say that Chris is a nutcase, sociopath, outcast, is like saying a joke without the punch line, it doesn’t make

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