
Analysis Of Chris Mccandless In Into The Wild, By Jon Krakauer

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Each year, thousands of people travel to numerous places, planning to change their way of life. These travelers display change in their lifestyles. Several individuals change their names to hide their true identity, and become minimalists. Others leave their society to deviate away from their true lives. Chris McCandless, in John Krakauer’s book, Into the Wild, followed a similar pattern. McCandless was known to travel to “go off the grid”. He would often travel in the summer and return home before leaving to attend Emory University in the fall. McCandless traveled to Alaska, extremely unprepared and never returned. Several have questioned if McCandless went into the wild to go “off the grid”, to prove to himself and others that he …show more content…

People are leaving their homes, and going to secluded parts of the world, abandoning a normal lifestyle. Similar to Chris McCandless, Tod Kershaw told CNN about his idea to move and live off of the land. Kershaw left modern society to live a simpler life to “strip away all of the distractions, complications and frustrations of modern life” (Bell). Other people have spoken about living off of the land to escape taxes, permits, licenses, and other familiarities, which creates the ultimate form of patriotism. Chris McCandless, who later became known as Alexander Supertramp (23), often would travel to not only please his craving for adventure, but also to escape modern society. Throughout Chris’ journey, he had never given his real name, Chris McCandless, several people questioned his validity. McCandless’ parents, Walt and Billie, hired a private investigator to try and find Chris. It took months for a small bit of information to pop up. Chris was so well hidden under his pseudonym that he had ease leaving society. Numerous people believe that McCandless went into the wild unprepared, which caused his …show more content…

Chris McCandless, among numerous others, had first hand experience of going into the wild without overly preparing. Hitchhiker John Gallien saw McCandless on the side of the road and offered him a ride, however, McCandless declined (5-6). Even though the offer was dismissed, Gallien believed that McCandless was unprepared and offered him a pair of old rubber work boots (5-7). Gallien said, “‘I figured he’d be OK, I thought he’d probably get hungry pretty quick and just walk out to the highway. That’s what any normal person would do” (7). Other people have also attempted various trips, similar to McCandless. In Out of the Wild’s first two seasons, “The Alaska Experiment”, several groups of people went to Alaska and had to live off of the land for several weeks, and had to overcome tasks in order to survive. Not everyone was prepared to survive and some people were more fit than others, however, these people did not go into the wild to die, they went to compete. Leaving society to live in isolation is a popular trend amongst people. Out of the Wild’s similar theme ties into McCandless journey. Both required extensive survival skills and preparation, however, only the participants in Out of the Wild prepared. McCandless did not prepare for his adventure, he went almost completely unprepared, which may have caused his

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