
Analysis Of Connected But Alone By Sherry Turkle

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In the “Connected, but Alone?” Ted talk, Sherry Turkle argues about how technology is a big influence on our social interaction during this time era. The technological world brings us together, but also separates us from the real world. In Turkle's speech she explains that when people need to be interacting socially face to face they turn to their phones and do not give their full attention to the others who are in the room or environment at that time. Friends, coworkers, and family members feel neglected and they don't receive the attention or interaction they need from their loved one. Turkle goes on to express that many people who look for acceptance, companionship, and interaction mostly go to their phone to fulfill this human need. This is becoming a big problem with our society because instead of relying on other people they are relying on their phones. Turkle is a credible source because she is a psychologist and sociologist and has been studying how technology changes not only what we do but also who we are. Also, she received her degree from the prestigious Harvard University. In her speech “Connected, but Alone?” Sherry Turkle argues that we are too connected to our devices which is causing negative psychological, communication, and companionship affects. She is effective arguing these points by using relatable examples.
Over the years humans have become extremely vulnerable to technology allowing it to affect us psychologically . Turkle explains this by identifying that some things we do now with our phones only a few years ago would of been found disturbing. Such as texting during presentations, classes, at a red light, also while attending funerals etc. This is crucial to today's generation because if it’s already became that normal to them imagine what it will be like for there kids. What extremities will they be doing with their phone which may seem like a norm. We are becoming unable to live comfortably without having our phones glued to our hands. Instead of giving others our full attention, that us as human need to have relationships we tend to only listen to what we want to listen to. Turkle goes into detail about how our small devices are changing our mind because they offer three

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