
Analysis Of Stop Googling, Let's TalkBy Sherry Turkle

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Many people are not mindful of how technology is disconnecting us from one another. When people pull out smartphones during a conversation or social gathering they will cause others to feel disconnected. These phones allow people to withdraw from what is happing now and move another situation reducing the quality of the conversation that is within our reach. In the essay "Stop Googling. Let's Talk" by Sherry Turkle; she believes that we are becoming a culture of short chats versus growing our culture of thinkers that are open to sharing in constructive and meaningful conversations with one another.
Using our smart cell phones during social occasionally hurts the discussion. "In a 2015 Study by the Pew Research Center, 89 percent of cellphone owners said they had used their phone doing the last social gathering they attended" In the essay "Stop Googling. Let's Talk" by Sherry Turkle. The "rule of three" is followed by young people to get instant gratification if the conversation is in abeyance. These young people look to other means of communication from the people you are socializing within the room. Being immediately recognized is becoming a problem and reducing the interaction to question, think and challenge each other in healthy dialog;

Our Children want to interact with their parent's and have meaningful conversations. They want to connect in ways that a smart device can not build a relationship and trust. Talking about life its trials and tribulations that will help our children grow. Our kids want to do things differently now that they have experienced these smartphones all of their lives. Our kids want to get back to socialization and building partnerships and friendships that have to mean. Using cell phones cannot replace the emotional and psychological connection that we share as human beings.
**More detail** Showing compassion for each other where you see the others person side. Making sure their opinions count has been impacted by the usage of smartphones. While we are using our phones we seem to lose the connection; we are not listing to what others have to say. We are determined to get our opinion across without regard for one another. We do not respond by first

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