
Analysis Of Dante The Divine Comedy Inferno

Decent Essays

The story Dante the Divine Comedy Inferno is a captivating book because the book is primarily religious based. With Dante going through the different levels of hell and how evil disagrees with God’s will, and finally the perfection of God’s justice. Due to Dante going through the many different levels of hell, he begins to feel sorrow for the people who are held there for eternity. Hell is a place whereas numerous different religions such as Christianity powerfully believe that is a spiritual realm that is filled with evil and suffering. In this text, hell is the Inferno. The bible says that, “For all have fallen short and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). In this essay, I would present sequence parts of Cantos and hell in a nutshell. Dante had lost himself but most importantly he lost his spiritual path with God. “Midway along the journey of our life, I woke to find myself in a dark wood, for I had wandered off from the straight path” (Musa 67). As Dante wanders, he begins to find himself in big fear that he is all alone and what makes it bad is that he runs into three different beasts; a lion, a she wolf, and a leopard. These different beasts distracts Dante by getting to the top of the mountain, also the three beasts are the cause of why Dante can not get to the top all due to the blockage of sin. The three different beasts teach Dante even with only one strong foot causing him to limp that he should look at it as with him being weighed down, he can find

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