
Analysis Of David Irving 's ' The Crucible '

Decent Essays

David Irving has made many public speeches in which he denies the use of gas chambers by Nazis to murder Jews; however, he does not consider himself a denier or a liar. Irving considered accusations of him being a Holocaust denier to be wrong and damaging, so on September 5, 1996, he took Deborah Lipstadt to court on the grounds of libel because she had according to Irving; wrongly accused him of being a denier. Irving is notorious because even though the judge ruled in favor of Lipstadt, he still argued that he was right and did not accept the undeniable fact that the holocaust did happen and that it was one of the lowest points in humanity. Ultimately, every person has a different way of viewing an event. In the instance of Irving vs …show more content…

Even though many still see the election of Trump to the presidency as a positive event, hate crimes are occurring more at an alarming rate which causes us to regress every day to mimic the past.
Since the election of Trump, hate crimes have seen an increase of 6% which is alarming given that in the past hate crimes have been decreasing according to the FBI and SPLC. Some areas that saw the biggest surge were hate crimes among Muslim Americans, transgendered people, Jews, and African-Americans. Some believe that the spike in hate crimes is because of the country 's extreme opposing views on topics causing a divide between citizens which was motivated by President-elect Trump. Supporters and believers of Trump 's extreme views have been taking Trump 's statements and applying them literally by lashing out against different ethnicities, races, and genders because of what they are, what they believe in, and who they supported during the election. An example of a hate crime occurring because of statements made by Trump against Muslims is the letter a mosque in California got calling for genocide. Some of the more colorful parts of the letter stated that “Muslims are a vile and filthy people”, “your day of reckoning has arrived”, and “He’s (Trump) going to do to you Muslims what Hitler did to Jews” (Holly 3). This letter is obviously motivated by religious hatred towards Muslims and is calling for action against them. It clearly follows the

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