
Analysis Of Equus By Peter Shaffer

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Consciousness can be defined as one’s awareness of their actions, thoughts, or surroundings. It is the ability to understand things beyond our eyes. And what I mean by that is one can see things through their eyes, but consciousness allows one to comprehend it on a deeper level. It leads to how we behave, how we function. The definition of community when I google it, is “a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.” I would describe community as a group of people who have common goals, thoughts, or interests. In IGE 120, the course theme is consciousness and community, which is why I chose to define them before going into further depth. Consciousness and community are themes that reoccur in …show more content…

You’re mine! I am yours and you are mine… I see you. Always! Everywhere! Forever!” (Shaffer, pg. 105). Equus is his God, therefore when Alan is about to commit a sin he knows Equus will be disappointed and jealous. He was conscious of this, so in order to prevent the disappointment from happening, he blinded the horses so they would not watch him any longer. Alan being conscious of the consequences his actions would lead to reminds me of the reading Gilgamesh by Herbert Mason. Gilgamesh’s arrogance led him on a journey that he wasn 't quite prepared for, knowing that it might lead to death. Gilgamesh tells his friend, Enkidu, “Why are you worried about death… I will go ahead of you, and if I die I will at least have the reward of having people say: He died in war” (Mason, pg.29). Like Alan Strang, Gilgamesh is conscious of what the outcome might be but goes ahead and does it anyway. Martin Dysart is Alan Strang’s psychiatrist and although he acknowledges Alan’s sickness, he admires his bravery. "He 's full of misery and fear. He was dangerous...But that boy has known a passion more ferocious than I have felt in any second of my life. And let me tell you something: I envy it" (Shaffer, pg. 80). This shows that Dysart is conscious of his life but he isn’t happy about it. This leads him to be envy of Alan and makes him question if his career is humane. He believes that as a psychiatrist, he is taking away Alan Strang’s passion of horses by labeling

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