
Analysis Of Everyday Use By Alice Walker

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Everyday Use Everyone has Family struggles, every family faces situations in which are tough to take and move on from. Family is the one thing that will never be forgotten, family are the people who will stick with you and support you in every way possible as long as you do not forget who is your family. This is what this family faces. This family faces tough times, rough times, good times many situations in which can break them apart but at the end succeed in getting over the obstacles they faced along the way. Each person has its own opinions on how they look at things and the perspective of each person. The story, “Everyday Use,” by Alice Walker, would be told differently if told by Dee, Maggie, and Hakim a Barber point of view. First of all, the story “Everyday Use,” by Alice Walker, would be told differently if told by Dee. Dee is a very upfront person she tells people what she thinks and what she believes to be true about certain things. Momma and Maggie believe that Dee does not have any friends, because she never brings them to the house. Dee would say that she does have friends she just simply does not want her friends to see her Mother’s house. Dee remembers when her old house burnt down, she never is going to forget that experience of her house burning down. Dee wants everything if she sees something she will try to get it no matter what. In the story “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker Dee wants the quilts that her grandma made. Momma and Dee where arguing about

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