
Analysis Of Everyday Use By Alice Walker

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In the story of “Everyday Use” the author Alice Walker uses subliminal messages in the story to convey her own needs, emotions, state of mind, and subconscious desires. The narrative is inspired by Walker's own accounts for growing up in the rural south as a child. The struggle and personality of younger sister Maggie is a reflection of how Walker felt growing up. The sister Dee represents how important it is to Walker to know your roots and ancestral lineage as well as an idea of how she viewed her own siblings. On the other hand, the mother shows how Walker believed her parents perceived her. Growing up as a child Alice Walker was the youngest of her eight siblings. Younger siblings are never taken as seriously as their older counterparts. Having older sisters and brothers who have already realized their own distinct personalities can make it more difficult for a younger child to truly understand themselves as an individual. Just like Maggie, Alice was shy and timid; “Maggie will be nervous until after her sister goes: she will stand hopelessly in corners… eying her sister with a mixture of envy and awe.”(345). As a younger sister myself, I can understand little Maggie’s envy of her older more confident sister. In her eyes Dee was more loved and thought about constantly; “I dream a dream in which Dee and I are suddenly brought together” (345). Walker felt that she was never as important. She was self-conscious and kept more to herself than her family did. She wanted

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