
Analysis Of Flannery O Connor's Two Story

Good Essays

I am going to mention about Flannery O’ Connor’s two stories in my essay. One of them is ‘’The Life save may be your own’’ and the other is ‘’ A good Man is Hard to Find’’. I will talk about Flannery O’ Connor’s’ stories’ summary and my opinions about that. Firstly I am starting with summary of O’ Connor’s ‘’The Life Save may be your own’’ Story starts with an elderly women and her daughter. After that one of the men come up their road named Mr. Shiftled. He starts smoking and during the conversations, they decided to make an arrangement. Mr. Shiftled starts to work around the farm in return of some food and shelter. They continue their talking about marriages. Mrs. Crater asks him that he are married or not and after that she wants to marry with her daughter but he refused this. Even though he refused to marry with her at first than he lied for car than he accept to marry …show more content…

‘’The life you save may be your own’’ In my opinion in this story our characters are important. Mr. Shiftled had a big chance to save his life but he didn’t do this. He is selfish that he accept the marriage but not for Lucynell. His life could be better but it couldn’t. I think Mrs. Crater is not a good mother because she wants a sudden marriage with one she never knew. But the important point of the story is about the boy and Mr. Shiftled. And the story ends with Shiftled prayerfull shout. So he tries to be clean in the world but he gets into a rut both genuine and metaphorically meaning. I am continuing with the second story analysis; I think out main character ‘’grandmother’’ is a religious and moral person and she is little bit selfish. She wants everything to be her own way. She has strong religious believes like our novelist O’ Connor. O’ Connor has a strong believer to Christianity. While grandmother was dying, she seems like closer to God. Also an angel figure. But we don’t find it realistic. Because her touching is just

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