
Analysis Of George Bradley's Poem 'The Sound Of The Sun'

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In the poem “The Sound of the Sun” by George Bradley (1986, p.749) the poet utilizes an almost awe-struck tone discussing the mystery of his topic. The use of synesthesia gives the reader the ability to see and hear the poem with a positive feel. The poet’s use of metaphors and onomatopoeia gives the reader a vibrant and admirable feeling about his subject. Additionally the emphasis of imagery allows the poem to stimulate the reader’s imagination. Using key imagery words allows the work promote an overall thought provoking feeling and mysterious positive tone. The poem brings the reader to a point to wonder if everything creates a sound and if he to creates a sound in a grand scheme of life. Bradley’s use of metaphors, imagery, onomatopoeia, …show more content…

By using sounds the reader can relate to assure the reader the importance of how thought provoking the poem is. Kirszner & Mandell (2013, p. 807) said, “…the sound of a word echoes its meaning …” The poems use of onomatopoeia gives the reader an easier understanding of the poet’s meaning with sound. The poet use of “sunlight booming” gives the reader the feeling the sun just appears spontaneously. Lastly, the poet also uses hyperbole to express his poem with lines such as “dawn leaping,” “sun swells,” and “light rushing to darkness,” (Bradley, 1986, p. 749). The poet continues to use this imagery to stimulate the reader’s imagination. The poet keeps the mysterious flow moving and finally ending making the reader ask if he makes a sound that can be heard from a great distance yet not knowing for sure. George Bradley’s “The Sound of the Sun” (1986, p.749) manages to maintain an overall mysterious and awe-struck tone in his poem. To stress the importance of key points, Bradley used metaphors and similes. To help the reader visualize and hear certain sounds Bradley uses imagery and onomatopoeia. In order to overstress points in the poem hyperbole is use to accomplish this. Overall this was a rather enjoyable and thought provoking

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