
Ghost Dog

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The image within “Ghost Dog” that I have chosen to analyze is the loneliness of Ghost Dog throughout the film. The specific image being when he walks alone through the night at the beginning of the film and waves to the cemetery he passes by. When Ghost Dog does this, it is noticed that he has no one to interact with other than the graves of those who he was once able to. The image is depicted as a very dark night, almost so dark that even as a viewer it is difficult to see Ghost Dog’s surroundings. There are no people around in the night other than Ghost Dog, adding to the loneliness he faces each day. It is also accompanied by immensely dreary music that creates a dreary mood for the scene. The manner in which Ghost Dog waves to the …show more content…

Ghost Dog’s loneliness continues to the final scene, his death. When Ghost Dog is being shot, his “friends” are standing by. Although his “friends” try to intervene on multiple occasions, Ghost Dog continues to instruct them to go away and to let everything be. This action demonstrates the amount of how willing Ghost Dog was to follow The Way of the Samurai, even when not following it could have possibly saved his life. The major theme of this image is clear. Ghost Dog was willing to remain alone throughout his life so that he could follow The Way of the Samurai in every aspect of his life. Each aspect of the way seems to be followed by Ghost Dog as he learns them. Ghost Dog walks and drives alone throughout the first few minutes of the movie, no words are spoken, no people are seen and there is no action. This sets the image of loneliness for the rest of the film. When he dies, he hands the mobster a book, asking him to read it so they could later discuss it together. This portrays the “way’s” order to, “Even if one's head were to be suddenly cut off, he should be able to do one more action with certainty”. Although Ghost Dog had been shot three times at this point, he was still willing enough to follow the “way” that he did not just lie down to die. He instead made one more action, giving the mobster the girls book to read with very clear certainty of doing so, before his death. Another example of

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