
Analysis Of Humpback Whales

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Structure of song and non-song vocalizations: Researchers often point to the how Humpback whale singers are continuously evolving their songs yet easily conform and adapt to the singing of other whales (Rendalla 2001: 312). Furthermore, research has found that the songs of humpback whales not can vary by geography and evolve over time, but that underlying units of songs can be persistent over the years (Abbott 2010: 2902).Humpback whales peak time for song production is during the months of January and February. This timing overlaps with the peak breeding season. Additionally, the study found that The song included about 60 percent song units that were frequent while 40 percent song units that varied across the years. (Magnusdottir …show more content…

The process of bubble-net feeding is like a game of football, where members specialize in an specific factor of the bubble feeding. Bubble-feeding techniques are interesting because the techniques used depend on who the lead of the blowing bubbles which allow the group to capture the school of fishes ( Kelsey 2008: 57-58). The leaders of the bubble-feeding groups can be either male or female. Often times, humpback whales have been observed pairing up with specific individuals during the summer bubble net feeding. The humpback whales that stay with the same group seem to develop more efficient and successful techniques (Kelsey 2008:59). Humpbacks whales ability to form reciprocal bonds outside of kinship is demonstrated through their their formation of partner or group bubble net feeding for the entire summer, even through different decades, with non-related humpback whales (Kelsey 2008: 59). Yet, the relationships between humpback-whales are not always harmonious, when two different bubble-feeding groups collaborate together there are often tensions and competitions has the individual humpback-whales renegotiate their role within their group( Kelsey 2008: 60). Furthermore, when two groups are feeding in the same area, if on humpbacks from one group think that the other group is more successful in catching they may easily drop their alliance with their group in order to join what they think of being more successful bubble net feeding (Kelsey 2008:60). One of the reasons for the group patterns for bubble-net feeding over the summer and not the winter might be that during the summer since there are predictable and abundant schools of fish (Kelsey

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