
Analysis Of John Fitzgerald Kennedy 's ' The Great Gatsby ' Essay

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In 1957, the first and only United States President won a Pulitzer Prize for biography; it was titled “Profiles in Courage.” This same President would say in a speech given in Frankfurt, West Germany, “For time and the world do not stand still. Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past, or the present, are certain to miss the future (Kennedy, 1963)." This President was a visionary, who had creative and innovative foresight, that included the unthinkable at the time, that man would travel in space and land on the moon. That President was John Fitzgerald Kennedy (Michael, 1995). Kennedy strongly believed that “no nation which expects to be the leader of other nations can expect to stay behind in this race for space” (Kennedy 1962). His aspiration challenged the complacency and demands of the National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA) to go beyond its current performance, to search, create and surprise the American people (Davila, Epstein, & Shelton, 2006 p 257). Kennedy never saw his creative visionary idea become reality, because he was assassinated in 1963. But, in 1969, Astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped from Apollo 11 onto the surface of the moon and spoke these words “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”, words that still resonate Kennedy’s innovative idea and vision to land a man on the moon, and Armstrong words still causes American’s to beam with “USA” pride (Jones, 1995). Not only did man walk on the moon, in

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