
Analysis Of John Locke 's ' The Cold Soldier And Douglas Quail '

Decent Essays

John Locke argues in An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, that personal identity is contingent upon the memories that people form. In essence, the ever-changing body is not a factor into defining who a person is. The consciousness of a subject puts memory into motion and thus, creating his or her identity. The main ideas behind Locke’s theory are still discussed today. However, fictional characters in movies prove that it they are inadequate. Prominent examples include: Neo in The Matrix, Bucky Barnes in Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Douglas Quail in “We Will Remember It for You Whole Sale.” These characters set a precedence that confirms the invalidity of Locke’s theory as their identities are not based their continuous …show more content…

However, the extensive abilities Neo acquired in the Matrix, most notably the ability to dodge bullets, proves that he lives, thinks, and occupies his body in the Matrix. This evidence suggests that the body more than just a framework for memories. It also makes his experiences tangible, by providing a gateway to perceive the world around him. Neo has a more intimate connection to his body than Locke’s theory articulates, and precluding it causes detriment to his personal identity. Neo’s experience with his new body in the Matrix is immense. As he syncs into his new body, he immediately grasps the sense of how it operates when Cypher uploads presets of knowledge into brain. He is unsurprised by his body’s instant mastery of martial arts and rashly challenges Morpheus in a sparring match. Any blind jump into a recently learned task would prove disorientating and frustrating. However, this is not the case, as Neo effortlessly displays adept fighting skills and eventually defeats Morpheus. Additionally, he requires no training wheels to adjust to any other task he performs within the Matrix. This challenges the legitimacy of Locke’s theory as Neo’s subjective consciousness interprets a new method of how to direct himself in the Matrix. In the final scene, Trinity’s love resurrects Neo, signifying that the body plays an integral part in constructing personal identity. Trinity’s love, along with the

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