
Analysis Of Kotter 's ' Kotter '

Good Essays

Reading Log #2
In this week’s reading Kotter gets into the heart of his overall message, which is leading change. He first goes through the 8-step model of change in chapter 2 and then picks apart the first step on chapter 3. Cohens chapter further enhances the step of creating urgency and works in tandem with Kotter’s model. It provided some worksheets and surveys to organize thoughts and get proper feedback on change efforts. Overall, both pieces provide a great starting point for heading organizational changes. There is no surprise here, as the Heart of Change uses Kotter’s framework and further enhances it with guides and worksheets.
Kotter 's second chapter opens with an important message. The way things worked prior to …show more content…

Failing to create a clear vision was the number one reason for change failure for me, however, creating a sense of urgency is now the most important step of the creating major change process. When we did the case on the medical company in class we tacked the problems of that organization first, then offered solutions. You (instructor) had us do this because you felt that you cannot make proper suggestions without identifying the problems and I agree with this. Before you can set any goals or get people behind an idea you must identify the crisis or major opportunities so that people know what is wrong and understand that something needs to be fixed. This goes back to my personal recent work experience. last Friday we just had a meeting with the Senior Vice President where he discussed in detail some new technological changes we are going to make as a company and why they were important for the company and for us in our individual departments. What our Senior VP did was in line with Kotter’s model. He created a sense of urgency by reviewing the market with us and point out the shortfalls and opportunities. While explaining the information, he kept stopping to see if there were questions and answered them honestly and sincerely. I looked around the room to see how people were taking in the information and though there were some stiff faces there were a lot of

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