
Analysis Of Kurt Vonnegut 's ' Slaughterhouse Five '

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Kurt Vonnegut once said, “So it goes” to describe the unavoidableness of fate. This aspect of seeing terrible things and being able to continue on would become a main theme in his novels. Vonnegut, as an author, received his essential voice by writing about his own experiences, using what would become his signature pessimistic yet humanist view. Vonnegut is described by Lindsay Clark as, “Worse than a pessimist… he is an eternal optimist doomed to disappointment” (Clark, “Viewing Four Vonnegut Novels through the Lens of Literary Criticism”). Moreover, Vonnegut has combined literature with science fiction and humor, the ridiculous with pointed social commentary and has created his own unique world within his novels and filled them with essentially different characters, such as the alien race known as the Tralfamadorians in Slaughterhouse-Five. Furthermore, Vonnegut’s personal previous experiences would play a massive role in his later novels. His experience at Dresden would define Slaughterhouse Five and other aspects of his life, such as his mother’s suicide would appear in works such as Breakfast Club. Moreover, works such as Cat’s Cradle, would give Vonnegut the essential audience he needed to be a successful writer. Overall, personal experiences and a powerful satirical view define Vonnegut as an author.
Kurt Vonnegut Jr. was born in November, in Indianapolis, Indiana, a city he would later utilize as a symbol of American Values. Kurt Vonnegut Sr. saw great success in

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