
Analysis Of Leicestershire 's Police Force Essay

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The way police manage critical incidents is of upmost importance. An incident that is manged well, will raise public confidence in the police, however if the incident is managed poorly it can have devastating effects on the victim and the general public will subsequently lose confidence in the police. ACPO’s definition of a critical incident is as follows “Any incident where the effectiveness of the police response is likely to have a significant impact on the confidence of the victim, their family and/or the community” (Constabulary, December 2007) Any police officer can notify an incident as possibly critical, therefore, police officers must always be aware of the potential for any incident to escalate and become critical. A critical incident can include; Suspicious, unexplained deaths, Homicides, Incidents requiring a police firearms response, Vulnerable persons missing from home, Domestic Violence, Crimes involving particularly vulnerable or young victims and hate crimes, which will be our focus. For our essay, we will be critically analysing Leicestershire’s police force’s ‘critical incident’ management of the case of Fiona Pilkington which is a case of anti-social behaviour that deeply affected public confidence. Whenever a critical incident is identified, it must be addressed sharp and efficiently. Reassuring, rebuilding and maintaining the confidence of the victim, their family and community should be fundamental to critical incident management (Thames Valley Police,

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