
Analysis Of Lyotard 's ' Defining The Postmodern '

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Lyotard, from “Defining the Postmodern” 1. The term postmodern is problematic. a. This idea needs to be debated. b. A debate would alleviate confusions and more ambiguity about this period of time to be alleviated. 2. The Modern Movement (1910-1945) exists in between the postmodernism and modernism movement in architectural theory. a. There is no longer a link between this period and socio-historical progress, however. 1. Postmodern architecture has changed small spaces and considered how people occupy the space. 2. Making a small space appear larger changes the landscape of the space. b. Not much space is left to be built upon, and this movement strives to utilize that space. c. The world is not expanding horizontally any more in a postmodern era. 1. Ideas and freedoms are limited. 2. The environment has changed. d. A dichotomy exists between the postmodern and modern movements. 3. In the postmodern movement, individuals strive to take a new direct, different from the past. a. The modern movement broke the rules of the past. b. “Today, we can presume that this “breaking” is, rather, a manner of forgetting or repressing the past. That’s to say of repeating it. Not overcoming it” (1466). 4. The connotative meaning of the word postmodern is often misunderstood. a. Progress is possible is a phrase often associated with postmodern works of art, technology, learning, and freedom. b. Discoveries and advancing

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