
Analysis Of ' Macbeth ' The Coward Of Cawdor '

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Garrison 1
Jim Garrison
Mrs. Dean
Macbeth The Coward of Cawdor In Macbeth, the concept of being a man is a major theme, and is how the Macbeths convince themselves and others to do some heinous crimes. But throughout Shakespeare work, Macbeth 's actions don’t match up with the play 's description of what a real man is. In fact, as the play goes on Macbeth slowly becomes less of a man and instead more of a coward, so much so that a character with only four lines in the entire play is more of a man than the title character. The Macbeths believe that to be a man, one must be cruel, unkind, and able to murder without feeling remorse. This can be seen when lady Macbeth begs spirits to unsex her so that she can kill Duncan …show more content…

His reaction to the ghost in front of everyone at the banquet embarrasses lady Macbeth and causes her to ask “Are you a man?” (3.4.57). Macbeth’s obsessive guilt over the murder of his friend shows that he cannot murder without feeling remorse and that he is unable to be ruthless and cruel like he and his wife believe a man should. This idea of what it really means to be a man is carried through most of the play, until near the end. In act five when, Malcolm 's army is marching through birnam wood to macbeth 's castle, Macbeth realizes that he will soon die, but decides not to go down without a fight. As Macbeth searches for the one who is not born of a woman, Young Siward enters the scene. This is Young Siward’s first battle and he is ready to prove himself. He asks Macbeth 's name and then after hearing it says that the devil couldn’t a more hateful title. Young Siward fights Macbeth but Garrison 3 is severely unmatched because he was born of a woman. After Macduff kills Macbeth, Ross tells Siward that his son has died like a man. Ross says, “Your son, my lord, has paid a soldier 's debt: He only lived but till he was a man; The which no sooner had his prowess confirm 'd In the unshrinking station where he fought, But like a man he died.” (5.8.39-43). Ross is saying that Young Siward wasn’t a man until he stood up to Macbeth, knowing how unmatched he was considering that this was his first battle against a

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