
Analysis Of Mary Shelley 's ' Frankenstein '

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Throughout Frankenstein, Mary Shelley uses a ‘framed narrative ' using three different characters who tell their story at different times of the novel. In the beginning of the story, the audience receives Captain Walton 's point of view, who primarily writes letters to his sister Margaret Saville, in England. Secondly, the audience comes hand in hand with Victor Frankenstein 's point of view and within his narrative, they receive the indomitable Creature 's point of view. The major theme portrayed in Frankenstein is how Mary Shelley conveys the impression that technology changes the authenticity of how people live, people become self-absorbed and obtain a pompous personality because they feel the need to always be the best and catch up with what society has to offer. Personal freedom is lost because technology forces people to explore more than needed and it 's a controlling force. Thus, Victor becomes a lost soul when he tries his distasteful experiments on the dead and loses his moral boundaries because he becomes so fascinated in trying to find a way to revive the dead. The overindulgence Victor has in science takes away his humanity, and he is left with the consequences. He never thought about what negative effects could come about, and by ignoring an important essential, he created his own deadly hole. Mary Shelley takes a unique stand when she keeps the Creature 's whereabouts out of the eyes of the audience until about halfway throughout the story, this act gives her

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