
Analysis Of Michael Schaap 's ' Mom ' Why Did You Circumcise Me

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The film, Mom, Why Did You Circumcise Me, the narrator, Michael Schaap, explores the conversation of MC (male circumcision) within his community. Schaap initiates the discussion by speaking to the cultural aspects and traditions of why MC may occur as well as the medical implications and the sometimes involuntary occurrences of the practice. Schaap’s clear argument -as it pertains to MC- is stated at the beginning of the film. But before we dig into his perspective, let 's understand the types of perspectives presented in the film. The emic perspective is the experiences and perspectives of people within the culture (natives) while the etic perspective is the limited experience of an outsider viewing the culture. The many emic perspectives - from the circumcised men Schaap interviews and himself- present themselves within the film; however, I will focus on the emic perspectives of the Muslim convert, Abdulwahid van Bommel, and the Jewish Man, Leo Mock. Bommel states that nowhere in the Koran was MC mentioned, but that it derives from the people who teach the Koran focusing on the verse of Ibraheem and compares MC to upkeep of the body (compared to cutting hair and nails) for hygiene 's sake. Bommel states he was circumcised at age 23 and it “felt like an initiation ritual” and “now [he] had become a real Muslim”. Through this emic perspective, the scope of the cultural significance behind the practice of MC is implicated. It signifies manhood, it signifies being a part of

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