
Analysis Of Nettles The Poem ' Nettles '

Decent Essays

Both Manhunt and nettles use war imagery to show the emotions of the speaker. In Nettles the poet uses imagery to express how angry he feels towards the nettles. He refers to it as “green spears” and “regiment of spite” which suggests that the nettles are like a rival army/enemy. This shows the battles the father has to go through to protect his son and like being in the army he would have to fight his way through to help his son out. A “spear” is used to defend oneself which reflects the speakers need to defend his son from getting hurt. Also, a spear can cause injuries and damage would also reinforce the damage the nettles can cause. Perhaps regiment of spite suggests that the nettles are some sort of a warning, pointing out the start of many dangers that are yet to come. Nettles can conflict pain when a person touches the hairs on the plant. However the surface of the leaf can be touched which could indicate that any dangers can happen unexpectedly. Likewise “regiment of spite” could perhaps suggest that the nettles are guarding perils or dangers that may conflict pain at any time. Furthermore, nettles are perennial plants; they always grow and live for a long time. Therefore this indicates the ongoing potential threats the son would have to go through as well as suffer pain. However, in the Manhunt, the poet uses military imagery to show that the speaker feels determined to restore what she had lost from her lover during the war. The title “The Manhunt” links

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