
Analysis Of Perks Of Being A Wallflower

Decent Essays

The Summary:
“The Perk of Being a Wallflower” follows an awkward 15 year old; Charlie who is writing letters to one of his friends about his experiences and his thoughts. These letters are focused on Charlie’s first year of high school and his coping of the deaths of his best friend michael and his aunt Helen. While trying to adjust to high school he became close to his english teacher who gives Charlie extra assignments not for marks but because charlie is advance in literature. After a few weeks of beginning school Charlie approached Patrick and Sam who later becomes his closest friends. Patrick and Sam took Charlie under their wing and helped him through the school year. The Settings:
The story takes place between August 1991 - August 1992. The exact location is never revealed since charlie wanted to keep his privacy. Some locations that takes an important role in “The Perks of Being a Wallflower are Charlie’s high school, house and a tunnel that leads to downtown. Charlie’s high school is where he met sam and patrick, where he had a chance to join social events and one of the reasons why charlie started writing these letters. Charlie’s house is where he writes these letters. The tunnel is one of Sam and Patrick’ favourite place, when they go through them Sam would stand on the with her arms spread. They brought Charlie there and he felt infinite. This was one of the final locations that Charlie wrote about. The Characters:
Charlie - Charlie is a 15 year old

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