
Analysis Of Power Justified In The Prince By Niccolo Machiavelli

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Power Justified
A leader's duties while in a position of power will force them to face arduous decisions. In this position a leader will be compelled to ask themselves if the goals are justified by the actions executed. Niccolo Machiavelli voices his belief concerning this topic in his book “The Prince”, where he relates his respected opinion on the duties of a leader. Corresponding with his sentiment the ends justify the means because the masses matter more than the questionable actions executed. Assuming that the power of authority should always force the hand to do what is ultimately righteous. The obvious choice is to complete goals with the end achievement in mind while doing whatever is necessary to guarantee the completion of the goal, for the welfare of their people.
Following that ideology, people in a position of power must make unpleasant decisions for the benefit of their people. For instance, Genghis Khan, an ancient leader who to this day is the only person to ever conquer as much of the world as he did, Genghis Khan took control of nearly all of what is today's Russia, China, Korea, Southeast Asia, Persia, India, the Middle East and Eastern Europe. A feat this massive was accomplished because he did whatever necessary to gain and keep power, including “systematically eliminating all rivals” allowing him to become the only Mongol leader to unite the Mongols into one nation (Bawden). He killed a few to unite the many. Murder is justified by unity. By inspiring

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