
Analysis Of Professor Foster's One Hundred Years Of Solitude And A Prayer For Owen Meany

Decent Essays

It always seems that literature is hard to read: you know the writers have deeper meanings behind the stories they create, but what you read is mostly the simple plots that the characters play. Of course the writers utilize many techniques in their novels, but most of them are diluted into the hundreds of pages of the book, hidden around every corner of the words. Realizing this, Professor Foster writes How To Read Literature Like A Professor to teach how to interpret some of the aspects to understand the literature works. In this book, he explains how readers should treat the characters, symbolism, allusion, environment description, political implication, and other techniques that appear in novels. Those aspects usually appear in every literature book. One Hundred Years of Solitude and A Prayer for Owen Meany exemplify those aspects mentioned in Foster’s book. Interpreting these two novels by following how Foster teaches in his book, readers will be able to read literature in a new level and view.
In the first chapter of How To Read Literature Like A Professor, Professor Foster introduces that almost every journey in a literature work has a deeper meaning. Every journey, as he stated, is a quest, and “the real reason for a quest is always self-acknowledge”. A “young, inexperienced, immature, and sheltered” character undergoes a journey and transform into a stronger figure. In One Hundred Years of Solitude, both Jose Arcadio Buendia and Ursula experience journeys; however,

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