
Analysis Of Quotes From 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'

Decent Essays

Act I ~ Scene i: 1. “The old moon wanes! she lingers my desires, /” (I. i. 4) a. This shows Theseus’ eagerness and impatience when it comes to his wedding 2. Given rhymes (spoken words of love), lied, sang songs and gave gifts of love. 3. Egeus believes that his daughter is his property and that it is his right to do with her as he pleases as he shows when he says “And she is mine, and all my right of her/ I do estate unto Demetrius. /” (I. i. 97-98). 4. He tells her that because otherwise she’ll either be killed or forced into living like a nun. 5. Hermia has spoken out of line/out of turn. 6. a. He loves her b. She loves him c. Demetrius is a liar and a cheater 7. I believe that they are honest emotions. Her speech is about how problems

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