
Analysis Of Russel Banks Sarah Cole: A Type Of Love Story

Decent Essays

Russel Banks' Sarah Cole: A Type Of Love Story breathes an air of reluctance from a man speaking to the reader in a world where he is the god and the victim to his own, pitiless heartbreak. Ron, if it is in fact his actual name, describes himself to be, “beautiful, the way we usually think of a woman as being beautiful,” and a man who exists in, “Concord, New Hampshire, a place I happen to know well and can therefore describe with sufficient detail to make the story believable,” (Banks 1,2). His dismissive dialogue in where and what time the story begins gradually becomes something of importance as he interrupts the account on several occasions to redeem himself of his past actions. The metafiction narrative is made evident by the narrator's …show more content…

The story is separated into three parts, the first being Bill's first person account to what their business has become and the world as it stands in relation to shootings and the diminishing freedom of living without the need for personal protection. Outside of his VHS movie screenings with his wife in their shop, the vests are something he is undoubtedly passionate about, in what they are and what they provide to him, means of living freely. The second part of the story is told in third person and focuses on the wife, Jane, who struggles with the current situation of her life and is, “forced to reflect,” on what has come to pass and the inevitable end of their family owned establishment (Johnson). With the security of their business and the safety of her family on the line, she finds it hard to concentrate or to seek comfort in reminiscing with her husband on movies from their earlier days. The reader is shown Jane's own sense of freedom in relieving herself of the vest and roaming the strip mall in her husband's absence, who otherwise frets the safety of his family when he isn't tinkering with new protective equipment. Jane does not feel any ill will towards her husband, rather, sees how engrossed he has …show more content…

The collection of memories in their time of the y2k scare, living in Mr. Matsumoto's loft, and the events that transpire following 9/11 in New York City are all self contained in each segment of the story. The events put into perspective how small things are in the grand scheme of things and the significance and weight it holds in each of the characters lives and how it takes effect in these changing times of uncertainty. Admittedly this was a story that was not so compelling due to its structure and time mapping than others I have read in similar structure in the past, but how the characters individually make sense of their existence and adapt to the world was something appealing. The reader does not receive so much of an ending as one would hope in what occurs over the course of the story, but it is true to life nonetheless, as life goes on in real life, so does Nathaniel's, Lucien's and the others who uncertain at first, are making steps towards the future. Even if, “the children of some distant planet study pictures in their text...and then the children turn the page,” and close on the chapter of their century of life, their mark and memory will be known and like a superhero, prevail (Eisenberg

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