
Analysis Of Sherman Alexie's Short StoryThis Is What It Means To Say Phoenix Arizona

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Sherman Alexie was born in 1966, in the Spokane Indian American reservation in Wellpinit, Washington. His short story “This is What it Means to Say Phoenix Arizona ˮ, appears in the Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven (1993). In the short-story Alexie, describes the value of friendship and family which breaks barriers and is beyond conveniences. It is take care of each other, being present, supportive, and welcoming; it is brotherhood.
Alexie makes a great description about the value of friendship and support in, “This is what it means to say phoenix, Arizona ˮ. He tells the story of Victor who had just lost his job, was in a financial crisis, and found out that his estranged father was dead. He didn´t have anybody who could help him to regain his father´s mortal remains because his mother was just as poor as him, and the rest of his family didn´t have any use as well (Alexie 803). Little did he know that Thomas Builds-The-Fire would be the one to help him; the crazy storyteller who nobody wanted around (810), and who societal pressures pushed away from him.
Despite all the pressure and the fact that they drifted apart from each other, Victor and Thomas Build-The-Fire are a great example of brotherhood. “They are two men with the same age that had grown up together and played in the dirt; Victor remembers little details, tears and scars, the bicycle that he shared for a summer with Thomas Build-The-Fire, so many stories ˮ while he thinks about him (Alexie 804-805).

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