
How Does Sylvia Plath Present Madness In The Bell Jar

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How Sylvia Plath represent madness in the Bell Jar The book shows us a young girl who wants to be totally in charge of her own life where females were expected to be interesting and educated but only marry and be a good wife for ambitious men. She wants to enjoy life and experience every bit of it as she wants it to be. This would never work and in some ways she is born early. She would have been better in the ‘women 's lib’ age ready for independence and happy of going places. Always able to cope even, just like in Sylvia’s poem Lady Lazarus, to return from death which she often thinks about "my sour breath will vanish in a day" (, 2015). She wins a prize to go to New York but feels; she will not fit in as she is from a poor background. She is lost little girl, living with her mum who hated dad for dying and leaving them without money. This all is leading her down to madness and looking in on herself. She describes this as living in a ‘Black shoe’ in “Daddy (Shmoop, 2015). Esther was very young when she lost her father just like in ‘Daddy’ “ I was ten when they buried you”, since then, Esther has never felt happy, in comparison to Plath 's ‘Daddy’ there are many similarities according to father 's’ death, where she was trying to forget him “ daddy I had to kill you ….You died before I had time ..” (Shmoop, 2015) When Esther talks to Jay Cee about learning other languages, she thinks of doing German. However, for her, this language is like “Barbed

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