
Analysis Of Ted 's Stevens ' Disability Essay

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Due to one’s own experiences and writing style, each other has their own intention with various strengths and weaknesses when conveying information to the reader. Carolyn S. Stevens’ Disability in Japan is a great example of this, as Stevens has a wonderfully large knowledge of how the impaired are treated within Japanese society. It is clear that Stevens wishes to inform the reader about the various ways in which society deems and treats someone as disabled through established social constructs rather than their impairment making them disabled. Similar ideas can be found with in other works that compose of the impairment of an individual in Japan. Stevens work in Disability in Japan is astounding, as she is able to convey so much information/ meaning in a very clear and concise way. However her texts lack a source of captivation in the reader, as her sentences are extremely dry and can be hard to read in long sessions. These cons however, cannot be said of Otokoe Hirotada’s No One’s Perfect. No One’s Perfect by Otokoe Hirotada has the opposite strengths and weaknesses to that of Disability in Japan. Hirotada’s personal story of being impaired sense birth is absolutely breathtaking and each sentence entices you to continue to the next page. Though Hirotada covers similar ideas seen in Stevens work, even saying that “It’s the present environment that makes people disabled” (Hirotada 214), his account is more personal and gives light to the experiences of an impaired persona

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