
Analysis Of The American Dream In The Great Gatsby

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The American Dream is frequently overlooked; it is generally defined as the rise to wealth and prosperity. In that premise, a fancy car, colossal home, and nice clothes would be the rewards following a successful American Dream. However, the American Dream is more than just achieving affluence and acquiring the desired materialistic riches. A forgotten aspect of the “dream” is contentment. In the novel The Great Gatsby, the narrator Nick Carraway initially views his next door neighbor, Jay Gatsby, as the embodiment of a wealthy, successful man. However, as Nick goes under the surface and becomes aware of Gatsby’s background, he comes to the realization that Gatsby does not live up to his facade. Moreover, the author F. Scott Fitzgerald conveys a message to the audience that American Dream is unattainable. Nonetheless, Jay Gatsby has risen from the poverty he experienced as a child; however, he has ultimately failed to obtain happiness. Indeed, as displayed in Fitzgerald’s disheartening novel, the American Dream is presented as rather just a corrupt illusion that is not capable of being achieved.
As a young boy, Gatsby, who was born as James Gatz, discovered his ultimate goal through working with the wealthy Dan Cody; to live a wealthy lifestyle. Part of the reason why Gatsby is so attracted to Daisy is due to the fact that she represents the epitome of the wealthy lifestyle he pursues. As Gatsby proclaimed, “Her [Daisy’s] voice is full of money” (Fitzgerald 120).

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