
Analysis Of The Article ' Honeybees And Flowers '

Decent Essays

I am writing this to respond to the article you sent me and provide some insight on the issue. Honeybees and flowers are interdependent. Honeybees’ primary objective is to collect pollen from plants, which they use as protein to reproduce. As a byproduct, bees also create honey, which powers their flight muscles and provides warmth for the hive during winter. A secondary function for honeybees is pollination, which is the fertilization of plants in order for them to blossom. The process involves the bee foraging in the flower and collecting pollen through electromagnetic forces. Honeybees then distribute the pollen as male sex cells of plants to the ovules, the female sex cells of plants. One third of human consumption is comprised of plants that require pollination and honeybees provide up to 80% of this. This includes: vegetables, fruits, and nuts. Bee pollination provides a higher quality and quantity of crops. Additionally, cattle are fed from plants that require pollination of insects. Pollination is a mutualistic interaction benefits both insects and flora. Both honeybee and plant communities can thrive and prosper as long as the process remains at an optimum efficiency. Honeybees play a vital role in the environment and their disappearance would prove detrimental to both the local ecosystem and human would have to adjust their diets drastically. Honeybees are not facing endangerment, however, their disappearance greatly impacts the industry of commercial

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