
Rhetorical Analysis Of Dreams From The Monster Factory

Better Essays

Samantha Cicinelli
Ms. Vanderhoof
English 7
16 October 2015
Through the Eyes of Sunny Schwartz The criminal justice system is well talked about throughout communities, law officials, and etc. Through social media we hear about the criminals who go into prison and the prisoners who return to prison, but never about the ones who change or learn their lesson from it. It is believed that once someone has been arrested and sent to prison or jail, it is likely that they will return to their again at some point in their lifetime. We believe this because we think these criminals were made this way and don’t have the ability to change. The memoir, Dreams from the Monster Factory, written by Sunny Schwartz and David Boodell, talks about the life inside a prison and jail and how Sunny’s RSVP program gives prisoners the ability to change their life around. Dreams from the Monster Factory was Sunny’s experience about what she saw working behind bars. She directed her book towards the public and other jails around her to try to bring awareness about how the RSVP program came and helped out more prisoners to become less violent. Sunny proved this by giving personal stories from real prisoners, how the RSVP program came to help them. This essay is directed towards anyone who hasn’t read this book. In the memoir, Dreams from the Monster Factory, Sunny Schwartz and David Boodell use rhetorical appeals, such as ethos, pathos, and logos, to show her audience that by implanting the RSVP program

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