
Analysis Of The Century Quilt By Marilyn Nelson Waniek

Decent Essays

Within the poem “The Century Quilt” created by Marilyn Nelson Waniek, she describes a girl a quilt that reminds her of family. The author uses a literary technique that helps the readers find out the complex meanings she had towards the blanket. Firstly, a technique the author used with structure helped the character described in the poem tells the readers about the special blanket. The author picks her words very carefully using only kind descriptions, such as being in love and having good dreams, to give the audience a relaxing feeling as they read the poem. Using kind descriptions brought out the love the main character felt when she was wrapped in the blanket. The character loved this blanket so much that she had made a plan to somehow inherit it. The main character and her older sister would play in the blanket and feel as if they were princesses. This shows the readers that this blanket is special by not only it being their Meema’s but perhaps this blanket had the power to let the …show more content…

This new founded quilt that she found reminded her about Meema and her yellow brown cheeks. The quilt also had a sweet gum leaf on every square of the quilt and ir correlated with the color of the army green blanket. With the leaves on the blanket that would mean that the whole blanket was the ‘tree’ of her new family tree. The different colored patches on the quilt would remind the character of her family and where she came from. The main character describes in the poem of vivid dreams the quilt would allow her to have. Allowing for the character to dream of when she danced with her family as a child and also allowed her to dream about her unconceived son. The quilt is now a very important part of this woman like the blanket was important to her as a

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