
Analysis Of The City Of Charlottesville 2010 Annual Comprehensive Plan Essay

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Multiyear Plans and Analysis
After review of the City of Charlottesville 2010 Annual Comprehensive Plan, an analysis will be prepared. This paper will analyze the comparison of ratios. The measures of liquidity will be analyzed. This paper will also analyze the long-term solvency and the asset management rations for the agency.
Financial Statement for Guilford County Department of Social Services FY 2010 1. Current ratio Current assets $ 97,545,298 Current liabilities $ 11,074,054 = 8.808454248 2. Working capital Current assets - current liabilities $ 97,545,298 minus $ 11,074,054 = $ 86,471,244 3. Quick ratio Quick assets $ 68,408,995 Current liabilities $ 11,074,054 = 6.177412084 4. Debt-to-asset ratio Total liabilities $ 40,014,863 Total assets $ 108,773,819 = 37%

5. Days payable ratio All accounts payable x 365 days $ 2,029,940,200 NPS expenses $ 153,988,562 = 13.2 days 6. Profit margin ratio Surplus $ (18,166,951) Revenue $ (172,966,402) = 10.5% 7. Common size ratio Line item amount Taxes $ 92,251,458 = 53.33% Total amount Fees and permits $ 1,640,727 = 0.95% Intergovernmental $ 67,888,839 = 39.25% Charges for services $

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