
Analysis Of The Cremation Of Sam Mcgee

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Why do people undertake missions? Cap from The Cremation of Sam McGee undertook his mission of cremating a fallen friend whose last wish was to be warm. Aengus from The Song of Wandering Aengus undertook his mission of finding his long lost love, a glimmering girl. Gerta from A Night Divided undertook the rigorous mission to dig her way to freedom. However, all three felt determined to complete their respective missions to either resolve or change something about their current situation and refused to succumb to hopelessness.

Cap is a man who struggled to resolve a promise he made to Sam McGee. The Cremation of Sam McGee is a poem based off the Klondike Gold Rush in which man named Sam McGee leaves his warm home in Tennessee in hopes to find riches. After Sam’s death, Cap finds himself with Sam Mcgee’s body and a promise to cremate him. Of course, Cap could have just left the body but he didn’t. The author explains, “The dogs were spent and the grub was getting low; The trail was bad, and I felt half mad,” (Service 34, 35). This proves that Cap struggled to resolve his current situation and refused to give into helplessness because even as things went horribly wrong, Cap continued forward. He struggled through mental and physical walls, just to fulfill his mission. Cap slowly lost his sanity, but he felt the need to complete his mission because “a promise made is a debt unpaid,” (Service 33). This demonstrates the need Cap felt to complete his mission. Cap is a normal

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