
Analysis Of The Film 'Whale Rider'

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Breaking The Traditional Billy Elliot is a movie about the story of an eleven years old who dreams of becoming a ballet dancer. Billy lives with his widow father Jackie, his older brother Tony, and his grandmother. The background of the scene tool place in 1984 where strike against the Thatcher closure of British coal mines. Billy doesn’t like the brutal boxing lesson at school. Instead, he secretly come to girls’ ballet lesson from Mrs. Wilkinson. Jackie finds out about that secret. He and Tony really angry about that because they think ballets for girl only, and Billy support to learn boxing as a boy. Mrs. Wilkinson can see that Billy has passion, so she support him by secretly training him. Finally, Mrs. Wilkinson prepares to get Billy to the Royal Ballet School. However, he misses it because Tony’s arrest by police. Later, Jackie sees Billy dancing in the gym and he knows that his son is such a talent in ballet. He does everything to help Billy realize his dream. By being support from family, Billy is finally accepted into the Royal Ballet School where he can make his dream, a ballet dancer, become true. In the movie called, Whale Rider, the movie tells the story about a girl named Paikea who is brake the rule that only males are allowed to become a chief in Maori tribe in New Zealand. Her mother and her twin brother was death when she was born, so she became the only living child in the line of the tribe’s chiefly. By tradition, a chief must be the first born and

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