
Analysis Of The Mental Health Of Ruby Wax

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Being able to find a first-person account, which provides explicit details on the mental health of Ruby Wax has been unequivocally challenging. However, after much research, numerous resources have been sought, which include her autobiography, How Do You Want Me? (2002), Ted talks and more recently, her appearance on BBC One Who Do You Think You Are? (2017), which contain accounts of her mental health issues and her recovery.

How Do You Want Me? (2002) is an autobiographical memoir by Ruby Wax, which details a brutally honest and touching account of her personal life, including her upbringing, fame, marriage, children and some details of her breakdown and recovery. Not only is the book an honest account, it is funny and irreverent.
Ruby Wax is well-known for being a comedian, actress, author and recently a campaigner for mental health. Ruby is an only child, who descends from Jewish Austrian parents; her father was called Edward and her mother was called Berthe. Her parents escaped from Austria in 1938, due to impending Nazi threat. They set up roots in Evanston, Illinois. Her father set up his own business, and became a wealthy sausage maker, and her mother was an accountant. Ruby is married to Ed Bye, who is a British television producer and director. They have three children, a boy and two girls.

In the book, she speaks candidly about how her parents were violent towards her during her upbringing, and how negative her parents were towards her. She explains

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