
Analysis Of The New Jim Crow

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The 1950s was a period of great conflict, particularly when segregation of African Americans was at its prime. Historically and evidently, African Americans have been fighting against segregation for decades. One would think that the 21st century would have a turn-around for African Americans but with all police brutality and prejudice against them, it feels as if America has been taken aback 200 years in history. The rate of progression for African Americans is basically non-existent. African Americans, everyday, have to live in fear of white people. Civil Rights Activists such as Martin Luther King Jr., Andrew Goodman, Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, etc. have dedicated and put their lives on the line in order to pursue equality for African Americans. Even with all the strenuous effort to bring change to the world, groups such as the Klu Klux Klan attacked them physically and mentally--making it more difficult to live in America. African Americans have always been treated as inferior and invisible from the beginning; and their existence was treated as if they did not exist as a real person at all. In her book, The New Jim Crow, Michelle Alexander’s writing centers and revolves around the claim that the criminal justice system cultivates and preserves a racial hierarchy that is present in America. Statistics derived from her research demonstrate that more than half of young African American men in any large American city are currently under constraints of the criminal justice

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