
Analysis Of The Play ' By Lin Manuel Miranda 's ' Hamilton '

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Patiences is a Virtue
In the play created by Lin-Manuel Miranda called “Hamilton” we learn an astounding amount of different lessons as diverse as from the importance of family to patience. Miranda uses the characters in the play to convey the importance of patience is a variety of ways. Hamilton, Washington, and Angelica all have a conflict with patience in this extraordinary play. What separates each of these characters conflicts with patience is their individualized struggle with the challenge of patience itself, and their ability or inability to successfully contain the impulse of losing control which is represented numerous times in the play.
Alexander Hamilton is portrayed as a young man hungry for the chance to leave his mark on history. At birth, Hamilton was subject to challenges due to his parents inability to care for him. In the opening song the introduction of hamilton 's struggle as a child is presented to us through narration. The play begins, “ How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a scotsman...impoverished, in squalor grow up to be a hero and a scholar”( “Alexander Hamilton” 0:08)? Hamilton’s correlation with patience is so prevalent in this quote because, as you see here, without the patience to overcome the challenge that an orphan faces such as the absence of a true parent figure, there would be no story to tell. Hamilton overcomes the odds he faced as a young child and as stated, becomes a hero and a scholar. Hamilton also shows an inability to

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